Onwards to Glory
Taking Stock Along The Way

About | Onwards to Glory | About
Another blog by another pastor? I know, I know.
Onwards to Glory is a blog for often random, usually rambling, and maybe occasionally coherent musings about the Christian life on the journey to glory. We'll think theology, culture, and walking with the Lord through everything that makes up life on the way.
"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."

About Me
I have been in Cambridge since 2017, first as Associate Pastor at Eden Baptist Church and now as Pastor at Hope Community Church
I originally studied medicine at Newcastle University, and worked as a doctor in the North East of England for 7 years after qualifying. In 2013 I took the plunge into training for pastoral ministry at Oak Hill College (www.oakhill.ac.uk), spending 4 years there before moving to Cambridge.
I am married to Anika and we have 6 amazing children.
When not working I might be found watching, playing, or attempting to educate my children in pretty much any sport going…but especially cricket.
I have been known to become absorbed in various P.G. Wodehouse novels, from which public readings may occasionally ensue, especially when paired with a fine single malt.